
MIT faculty, staff and students who rent vehicles for MIT-related business in the United States are strongly encouraged to use Avis/Budget and Enterprise/National rental agencies. MIT has corporate agreements with these vendors that:

  • Waive the standard rental agency condition that all drivers must be at least 25 years old, minimum age is 18
  • Limit or waive MIT’s responsibility for damages to the rental vehicle in the event of a collision

*Please be sure to provide the rental agent with MIT’s corporate number when renting vehicles (please refer to the VPF Supplier pages, links below). 

*The insurance coverage mentioned above is not extended to the Fraternities, Sororities, and Independent Living Groups (FSILG) community. FSILG community organizations must purchase the collision and liability insurance offered by the rental car agency of their choice, or make appropriate arrangements to cover this exposure.

Domestic Rentals

All insurance coverage (including Liability and Collision Damage Waiver -CDW [physical damage] coverage), should be DECLINED when using a rental vehicle on MIT business.  However, there is an exception for Alaska and Puerto Rico where insurance is required and should be purchased.

The $1500 deductible will be applied in the following situation:

  • If Avis/Budget or Enterprise/National is not chosen and is available in that location and
    • The driver is involved in a single car accident.
    • The driver is involved in an at fault multi car accident.
    • The driver is involved in an accident and cannot identify the responsible third party.

In the event that an agency other than Avis/Budget or Enterprise/National is used, the MIT Office of Insurance self-insures the insurance (including Liability and CDW – physical damage coverages.)  Therefore, the optional insurance coverages should still be declined.

*NEW* MIT has a new corporate agreement with Enterprise/National Rental, please click here for further information.  *This is for business rentals only.

Further information on booking with Avis Rental please click here.

Further infromation on booking with Budget Rental please click here.

  • Links for Avis and Budget includes both business and leisure codes.  Insurance is only included for MIT related business rentals.  The business code should never be used for leisure purposes.  (Failure to adhere to this could result in an individual being personally responsble for the financial impact of the loss.)

Domestic Truck Rentals

Enterprise/National Truck: Insurance IS included, further information can be found here.

Budget Truck: Insurance is NOT included.  If you purchase rental insurance when you rent a truck for MIT business the cost of the insurance is a reimbursable expense.  Further information can be found here.

International Rentals
Travelers are strongly discouraged from renting vehicles in most international destinations because of the significant safety and security risks. However, should need dictate the use of a rental vehicle, travelers should ensure they are familiar with local laws and regulations and insurance should be purchased for all international rentals (including visits to Canada, Mexico, Bermuda, Puerto Rico, and the Caribbean.) Statutorily required rental insurance must be purchased. If insurance is not purchased the department will be reimbursed less a $1,500 deductible.  The department will be responsible for paying the claim directly with the insurance company.  The cost of the insurance can be charged using the MIT Travel Card or out-of-pocket and reimbursed.

*Personal Rentals

Insurance is NOT included when using the Budget/Avis leisure discount codes.  Any claim will be the responsibility of the driver.

Rental Vehicle Accidents
The following information should be submitted to the Office of Insurance in the event of an accident with a rental vehicle:

  • Copy of both sides of the rental agreement
  • Copy of the accident report
  • Copy of the approved travel expense report, reflecting the car rental
  • Any correspondence received from the car rental agency, including repair bills

*Be sure to also fill out the rental company’s Accident Report Form

For more information on Automobile claims, please contact Sarah Brown at 617-324-5031.