Best Practices for Vehicle Use

1. Drivers must be MIT faculty, staff, or students ONLY, with a valid driver’s license. Proof of a valid driver’s license must be furnished to the appropriate department contact prior to releasing custody of a vehicle to any driver.

2. Definition of employee driver and student driver:

  • Employee driver: Any full-time or part-time employee operating an MIT owned, leased, or rented vehicle for authorized purposes.
  • Student driver: Any full-time or part-time registered MIT student at least 18 years of age, with at least two years’ driving experience, operating an MIT owned, leased or rented vehicle for authorized purposes.

3. All accidents involving an MIT-owned vehicle must be reported to the Insurance Office. The MA RMV Accident Report Form is available here. The completed form should be signed and returned to the Insurance Office.

4. MIT vehicles are not to be driven for personal use.

5. MIT drivers who receive citations for any vehicle-related violation are personally responsible for the payment of all fines and costs associated with the citation. Depending on the type and number of citations, the driver may be subject to disciplinary action.

6. The height clearance must be checked on all vehicles prior to driving. It is important to know the bridge clearances in and around Cambridge:

  • Memorial Drive (South of River Street) 11 ft. 10 in.
  • Express underpass at MA Rt. 2A (Mass. Ave.) 9 ft. 2 in.

7. A height sticker must be visible on all box trucks on and within the vehicle.

8. Departments, labs, and centers (DLC’s) MIT's Vehicle Use Policy as a minimum standard including regularly scheduled maintenance.

9. The use of 12- and 15-passenger vans is NOT allowed.

10. The driver of any vehicle exceeding 10,001 lbs. (including tow weight) must complete a physical exam that demonstrates medical fitness to drive. (A copy of this certificate should be kept with the driver at all times.)

11. Under NO circumstances should any employee driving a box truck allow passengers to ride in the cargo area of the truck.

12. Each DLC must maintain a list of all drivers within the DLC authorized to operate an MIT vehicle. The list must include the name of the driver, driver’s license number, class, and expiration date.

13. All vehicles should be parked in their designated location when not in use.

14. Personal property lost or damaged while stored in any MIT vehicle is NOT the responsibility of MIT.

15. For departments or groups driving on longer trips, no driver may drive an MIT owned or rented vehicle for more than 6 hours straight, or for more than 10 hours altogether, within a 24-hour period.

16. Long drives, of more than 6 hours’ duration, or altogether in any given day, require a buddy system to keep the driver awake and alert.

17.  Please review safety tips regarding winter driving.

For more information, please contact Sarah Brown at 617-324-5031.